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⚠️ Not RGPD compliant anymore
👉 A jQuery plugin to add a cookies consent banner on a website.
🚀 It only weighs 3Ko!

🤔 About


🐙 Github 💻 VS Code 🧰 jQuery


🟠 HTML 🔵 CSS 🟡 JavaScript

📥 Getting started


Get the latest version of jQuery on


Download the following files:

📑 Usage



<link rel="stylesheet" href="path-to/cookit.min.css">


<!-- Inside the <head> -->
<script src="path-to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- At the end of the <body> -->
<script src="path-to/cookit.min.js"></script>

Call the plugin

$(document).ready(function() {

⚙️ Settings

You can also pass some informations to the plugin.

$(document).ready(function() {
    var options = {
        // Some options...


var options = {
    lifetime: 30
Option Description Type Default
lifetime Define the cookie lifetime (days) int 365


var options = {
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
    messageColor: '#000',
    linkColor: '#ffda10',
    buttonColor: '#ffda10'
Option Description Type Default
backgroundColor This is the background color of the cookie banner String - CSS color “#1c1c1c”
messageColor This is the color of the consent text String - CSS color “#fff”
linkColor This is the color of the link explaining more about cookies String - CSS color “#fad04c”
buttonColor This is the background color of the consent button String - CSS color “#fad04c”

👉 For a beautiful banner, it is better when linkColor is identical to buttonColor…


var options = {
    messageText: "You have to accept cookies...",
    linkText: "More about cookies",
    linkUrl: "https://...",
    buttonText: "I accept !"
Option Description Type Default
messageText This is the text of the consent banner String (allow HTML tag) Do you hungry ? 🍪 Pursuing navigation on this site, you accept the use of cookies.”
linkText This is the text of the link explaining more about cookies String “Learn more”
linkUrl This is the URL of the source explaining more about cookies String (URL) “”
buttonText This is the text of the consent button String “I accept”

👀 Demo

You can see here a demo of this plugin.